Giovedì 27 febbraio 2025 Solarpunk Italia ha partecipato alla conferenza UERA (Urban Europe Research Alliance) intitolata Research alliances for climate-neutral, sustainable and equitable urban communities, organizzata al Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Roma, in collaborazione con ENEA.

Per conto del collettivo Solarpunk Italia, invitato alla conferenza in quanto in quanto rappresentante di un approccio innovativo letterario e immaginativo per i temi della conferenza, hanno partecipato in qualità di key-note speakers Matteo Scarfò e Jessica Simmons.

Il titolo dell’intervento è “Solarpunk is the Poetics of the Future” (i lavori della conferenza erano in lingua inglese), e questo l’abstract:

Solarpunk is a new literary genre born as a spin-off of science fiction, in open opposition to the ‘dystopisation of the imaginary’ which is functional to justify the theory of a lack of alternatives to capitalism.
The overflowing dystopian genre has engulfed science fiction: its reactionary imagery takes for granted the subjugation of the Natural to the Artificial, the degradation of the environment beyond the limit of no return. Dystopia has turned into a genre in its own right, with its own aesthetics and audience. As Osvaldo Soriano wrote: ‘The ruling classes hate dreams because they are incapable of generating a poetics of the future.’
Solarpunk does not preach an anachronistic ‘return to nature’, but pursues a conscious progress, in which science and technology, used in a transparent and democratic manner, allow us to finally achieve a balance with the planet and the life that inhabits it.
Solarpunk rebels against this pessimistic narrative; it imagines an anti-capitalist, ecologist, anti-racist, feminist, anti-patriarchal, anti-specist and inclusive future, and acts to make it possible.

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